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Top 10 education hotspots in 2024

时间:2024-02-26 浏览:851 Editor: Xiao Rui Source: None

2023年是全面贯彻党的二十大精神的开局之年,习近平总书记对教育强国建设作出了重要指示,教育强国建设取得了显著进展2024年是全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神和习近平总书记重要讲话精神的关键之年,是实施“十四五”规划、建设教育强国的关键之年。Based on this basic policy guidance, we make forward-looking predictions for the top ten education hotspots this year。

01To organize the implementation of the plan for building China into an educational powerhouse

To organize the implementation of the plan for building China into an educational powerhouse,是指面向2050年把我国建成富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国,落实教育强国建设的战略任务,保障教育强国建设顺利推进。

教育规划纲要是我国针对教育事业发展所作的长期规划和战略纲领,是教育事业建设的有效保障。《全球最大正规博彩app》提出“加快从教育大国向教育强国”的要求,是我国之后十年教育事业发展的蓝图。2018年12月8日,中共中央、国务院印发《全球最大正规博彩app》,为我国到2035年迈入教育强国行列作出规划部署。With the promotion of the construction of a powerful education country, the Party Central Committee is forward-looking and deployed in advance。2023年5月29日,习近平总书记在中共中央政治局第五次集体学习时就扎实推动教育强国建设发表重要讲话。在讲话精神指引下,教育部加快推进教育强国建设规划纲要编制,成立教育强国建设战略咨询委员会,系统谋划设计教育强国建设的施工图和时间表。2024年全国教育工作会议强调,把To organize the implementation of the plan for building China into an educational powerhouse作为工作主线。

To organize the implementation of the plan for building China into an educational powerhouse、深入贯彻落实党的二十大精神和习近平总书记重要讲话精神,稳步推进我国教育强国建设,为建设社会主义现代化强国、实现中华民族伟大复兴提供有力支撑。

02We will enhance the capacity for high-quality development of higher education services

We will enhance the capacity for high-quality development of higher education services,是指高等教育围绕国家重大战略需求和社会经济发展需要,通过加强基础科学研究、推动科技成果转化、建设世界重要人才中心和创新高地,高质量服务经济社会发展。


提高高等教育服务高质量发展能力将进一步提升高等教育与社会经济发展的契合度,落实科教兴国、人才强国、创新驱动发展三大战略,We will give full play to the leading role of higher education in building a strong educational country。

03We will promote the construction of basic education schools at county level

We will promote the construction of basic education schools at county level,是指以推进学校建设标准化为重点,通过推动基础教育学校办学条件达到规定标准、提升学校教学生活和安全保障条件、加强校园文化环境建设等,促进县域内基本公共教育服务优质均衡发展。

Building an education powerhouse is based on basic education。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has completed the basic balanced development of compulsory education and moved towards high-quality and balanced development。《全球最大正规博彩app》指出,“实现基本公共教育服务均等化”是面向教育现代化的十大战略任务之一。December 9, 2021,To further improve the level of universal preschool education,We will strengthen the construction of regular high schools in counties,We will promote high-quality development of basic education,教育部等九部门印发了《全球最大正规博彩app》和《全球最大正规博彩app》,Put forward the implementation of kindergarten construction projects, county standardization construction projects。2023年6月,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发的《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》提出,到2035年“绝大多数县(市、区、旗)域义务教育实现优质均衡”的目标,Emphasis is placed on "promoting the standardization of school construction" and "promoting the integration of urban and rural education",We will accelerate efforts to narrow the regional education gap and the urban-rural education gap within counties。


04Consolidate and deepen the achievements of "double reduction"

Consolidate and deepen the achievements of "double reduction",是指继续将有效减轻义务教育阶段学生过重作业负担和校外培训负担作为工作重点,提高课堂教学水平和课后服务水平、加强校外培训监管等,持续巩固“双减”成效。

The overburden of primary and secondary school students is a chronic disease in our country's basic education, which seriously affects the healthy growth of teenagers。2021年7月,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》,Full deployment of "double reduction" work,提出“学生过重作业负担和校外培训负担、家庭教育支出和家长相应精力负担1年内有效减轻、3年内成效显著,The people's satisfaction with education has been significantly improved"。After the implementation of the policy, the work of "double reduction" has been deepened, and relevant supporting measures have been introduced one after another。2024年1月4日,教育部召开全国“双减”工作视频调度会,要求进一步提高政治站位,将“双减”工作作为重中之重。The National Education Work Conference in 2024 clearly proposed to consolidate and deepen the results of "double reduction"。

Consolidate and deepen the achievements of "double reduction"将进一步减轻义务教育阶段学生课业负担和培训负担,促进校内全球最大正规博彩app质量提升,营造良好的教育生态,保障学生全面发展和健康成长。

05Strengthen science education in primary and secondary schools

Strengthen science education in primary and secondary schools,是指在基础教育改革深化的过程中,在落实“双减”工作的同时,通过加强中小学校科学教育,发掘社会上的科学教育资源,创造良好的科学教育氛围等,激发中小学生对科学的兴趣,提升学生的科学素质。

Scientific quality is an important part of national quality。2016年5月30日,习近平总书记在全国科技创新大会、两院院士大会、中国科协第九次全国代表大会上指出:“没有全民科学素质普遍提高,就难以建立起宏大的高素质创新大军,难以实现科技成果快速转化。”2021年6月3日,国务院印发《全球最大正规博彩app》,将青少年科学素质提升行动作为重点。2023年2月21日,习近平总书记在中共中央政治局第三次集体学习时强调,要在教育“双减”中做好科学教育加法。2023年5月9日,教育部办公厅印发《全球最大正规博彩app》,推进实施“基础教育课程教学改革深化行动”,将“科学素养提升行动”作为重点任务之一。2023年5月17日,教育部等十八部门印发《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》,将“在教育‘双减’中做好科学教育加法的各项措施全面落地”写入主要目标。On October 20, 2023, the Ministry of Education held the National Science Education Work Deployment and Promotion meeting for primary and secondary schools。

Strengthen science education in primary and secondary schools,在教育“双减”中做好科学教育加法,将有利于深化基础教育改革,提升全民科学素质,为加快建设教育强国、科技强国、人才强国奠定基础。

06We will strengthen the training of outstanding engineers and top-notch personnel in basic disciplines

We will strengthen the training of outstanding engineers and top-notch personnel in basic disciplines,是指在新一轮科技革命和产业变革背景下,加强工程教育,加强基础学科培养基地建设,优化高等学校人才培养结构,自主培养国家战略人才和急需紧缺人才。

拔尖创新人才是建设社会主义现代化强国的重要基础,人才的自主培养具有重要战略意义。2021年9月27日,习近平总书记在中央人才工作会议上强调,“培养大批卓越工程师”,“全方位谋划基础学科人才培养”。2023年5月29日,习近平总书记在中共中央政治局第五次集体学习时要求,进一步加强工程教育,加强拔尖创新人才自主培养。At present, the training of outstanding engineers and top talents in basic disciplines in China has been further accelerated。November 24, 2023,The Ministry of Education issued the Opinions on Further Promoting the Classified Development of Academic Degree and Professional Degree Graduate Education,Put forward "to promote the reform of academic degree postgraduate education by focusing on the training of doctoral students in basic disciplines","Deepening the Reform of professional degree postgraduate Education with Excellent Engineer training as the guide",We made breakthroughs in the classified development and reform of these two key areas。2024年全国教育工作会议指出,把全面提高人才自主培养质量、支撑高水平科技自立自强作为主攻方向。

We will strengthen the training of outstanding engineers and top-notch personnel in basic disciplines是加快建设人才强国的关键环节,有助于提升人才资源竞争优势,提升自主创新能力,为建设世界重要人才中心和创新高地开创新局面。

07We will promote high-quality and full employment for college graduates

We will promote high-quality and full employment for college graduates,是指高度重视高校毕业生就业工作,通过开拓市场化和社会化就业渠道、发挥政策性岗位吸纳作用、构建高质量就业指导服务体系、加强重点就业群体就业帮扶等,保障高校毕业生就业稳定。

就业是最基本的民生,We will promote high-quality and full employment for college graduates是就业工作的重中之重。Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, China has deeply implemented the strategy of giving priority to employment and achieved remarkable results。近年来,面对高质量发展对产业结构调整的要求、不断增长的高校毕业生规模,我国就业工作仍面临不少挑战。The number of college graduates in 2024 is expected to reach 11.79 million, an increase of 210,000。针对这一历史新高,2023年12月1日,教育部决定实施“2024届全国普通高校毕业生就业创业促进行动”,进一步完善高校毕业生就业创业服务体系,全力We will promote high-quality and full employment for college graduates。2023年12月20日,人力资源和社会保障部印发《全球最大正规博彩app》,部署开展2024年全国公共就业服务专项活动,其中多场活动以高校毕业生为重点服务对象。

高校毕业生是我国宝贵的人才资源,We will promote high-quality and full employment for college graduates,是促进经济发展和民生改善的重要支撑,也是我国建设教育强国的重要一环,有利于提高高等教育服务高质量发展能力。

08Make vocational education more adaptable and attractive

Make vocational education more adaptable and attractive,是指职业教育体系建设改革坚持与产业结合、与地方和政府政策结合、与社会区域结构结合、与个人终身学习结合,Firmly serve the all-round development of students and economic and social development,To enhance the adaptability and attractiveness of vocational education to students and society。

Vocational education is an important type of education that serves economic development。面对社会经济发展的新挑战,2019年1月24日,国务院印发《全球最大正规博彩app》明确指出,“职业教育与普通教育是两种不同教育类型,具有同等重要地位”。党的二十大报告强调,“统筹职业教育、高等教育、继续教育协同创新,推进职普融通、产教融合、科教融汇”。To implement the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress,End of 2022,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》,Clearly put forward "adhere to the comprehensive development of students and economic and social development","Effectively improve the quality, adaptability and attractiveness of vocational education",并部署了探索省域现代职业教育体系建设新模式、打造市域产教联合体和打造行业产教融合共同体的战略任务。

Make vocational education more adaptable and attractive,将进一步深化职业教育体系建设,深化职普融通、产教融合、科教融汇,建设高质量的职业教育体系,为社会主义现代化建设提供人才保障。

09Open up new space for development in the direction of internationalization of digital education


The digitalization, internationalization and greening of education are important trends in the development of education。数字化发展与转型正深刻改变全球社会,面对这一重大挑战和历史机遇,我国实施建设数字中国的战略决策,并启动国家教育数字化战略行动。Digital education is an education for green development, openness and cooperation。2024年全国教育工作会议提出,在教育的数字化、国际化、绿色化方向上开辟发展新空间。1月30日至31日,由教育部、中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会、上海市人民政府共同举办的2024世界数字教育大会在上海成功举办,进一步推动了我国教育数字化转型。中国拥有丰富的科技与应用场景、海量的教育数据资源和终身学习的强大需求,We need to expand the sharing of high-quality resources,Promote educational reform and innovation,将中国数字教育打造为落实全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议、全球文明倡议的实践平台,To provide effective options for the development and transformation of digital education in the world。


10Cultivate, carry forward and practice the spirit of educators

Cultivate, carry forward and practice the spirit of educators,是指深入学习习近平总书记关于大力弘扬教育家精神的重要指示,以教育家精神为引领,加强高素质教师队伍建设。


2022年4月2日,教育部等八部门印发《全球最大正规博彩app》明确指出,要“培养造就一批引领教育改革发展、辐射带动区域教师素质能力提升的教育家”。September 9, 2023,习近平总书记致信全国优秀教师代表,It has clearly put forward the unique educator spirit of China,That is, "the heart has the ideal and faith of serving the country.,The moral sentiment of words is the rule of scholars and behavior of the world,Enlightening the mind and educating people according to their aptitude,Diligent in learning and practice, seeking truth and innovation of the cultivation attitude,Love to teach love to live, willing to give the heart of love,Mind the world, with the grand pursuit of cultural people",It points out the direction for the construction of teachers in the new era。2024年全国教育工作会议提出,要以教育家精神为引领强化高素质教师队伍建设,大力弘扬践行教育家精神,以教师之强支撑教育之强。

Cultivate, carry forward and practice the spirit of educators,有利于全方位地提升我国教师队伍水平,造就人民教育家,为建设教育强国打下坚实基础。


来源:Thursday, February 22, 2024 China Education Newspaper

作者:Zhou Hongyu Xing Huan Liu Liu


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