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时间:2024-03-14 浏览:712 编辑:小瑞 来源:微言教育

十四届全国人大二次会议于9日下午举行民生主题记者会,Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng, Minister of Human Resources and Social Security Wang Xiaoping, Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Ni Hong, Director of the National Administration for Disease Control and Prevention Wang Hesheng answered questions from Chinese and foreign journalists on education, employment, social security, housing, medical disease control and other related issues。


This year, new quality productivity was written into the government work report for the first time, and accelerating the development of new quality productivity urgently requires a large number of top-notch innovative talents。请问教育部将采取怎样的举措来加强拔尖创新人才培养?”

教育部部长 怀进鹏:

谢谢您的提问。新质生产力是习近平总书记站在现代化强国建设全局的高度作出的重大理论创新。习近平总书记系统阐述了新质生产力的科学内涵、现实意义和方法路径,并进一步提出要深化科技体制、教育体制、人才体制改革,打通束缚新质生产力发展的堵点卡点。今年政府工作报告也对加快发展新质生产力作出部署。This requires our education system to carry out reform and innovation in building a system of independent training of talents and deepening the training of top-notch innovative talents。

首先,我很同意您的判断。加快发展新质生产力,迫切需要大批拔尖创新人才。At the same time, we are also clear that the cultivation and development of new quality productivity, innovation is the core element, the foundation and guide rely on education, through education to train top-notch innovative talents。发展新质生产力,既需要牵引源头创新的基础学科、交叉学科和新兴学科的拔尖人才,也需要服务新型工业化道路的工程技术人才和大国工匠、能工巧匠;既需要科学家,还需要一流科技领军人才和创新团队,以及大批青年科技人才队伍,更需要一大批全面发展的、投身中国式现代化的建设者和接班人。China's high-quality talent team is a huge advantage for development, we often say that people make the best use of their talents, and the profession makes the best, we hope to build a high-quality talent independent training system, in the realization of "everyone can become a talent" of modern education, enrich the people's happiness, consolidate the foundation of national prosperity。

大家都知道,A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is accelerating, and top-notch innovative talents are the most important strategic resources to promote and enhance the core competitiveness of the country, which is an important support for achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance。At present, China's higher education has entered the stage of popular education, the gross enrollment rate of more than 60% at the end of last year, the scale has ranked first in the world。It should be said that the shortage of quantity is no longer the main aspect of the contradiction, and we are in a critical period of accelerating the demographic dividend to the high-quality development of talent dividends。To build China into an education powerhouse, an important talent center and an innovation highland in the world, we also need to make efforts in top-notch innovative talents and in the independent training of talents. This is also a key move to meet the development of new quality productive forces and realize the demand for talents in the Chinese-style modernization。

How to focus on the national strategic needs, combined with the law of talent growth and the law of education development, to transform this "country's biggest" into practical action in education, and really test our research and practice ability。I understand that in cultivating top-notch innovative talents, it is necessary to understand and promote the whole process of discovery, selection, training and evaluation。要在不同学段中实现全过程的人才培养,因此要从打牢基础做起。This requires us to adhere to the fundamental task of cultivating morality and people, consolidate the basis of basic education, promote scientific education of inquiry practice in basic education, invite scientific and technological workers and scientists to campus, cultivate students' scientific spirit, develop good scientific habits, and master scientific methods。同时,通过实践的教育和培养,来更好激发中小学生的好奇心、想象力和探求欲。

We also need to strengthen the effective connection between the basic education stage and the higher education stage, and further build the training mechanism and training system of top-notch innovative talents。我们将发挥高等教育的龙头作用,实施高等教育综合改革试点,将科技发展趋势与社会发展需求相结合,来优化设置学科专业,更好地深化人才培养机制的改革和推进人才评价机制的优化,不断激发人才发展创新的潜质,这是我们非常重要的任务。

在高等教育综合改革试点中,我们将推动高校分类特色发展,建立分类评价机制。The development of new quality productive forces and the realization of modernization need talents from all aspects and top innovative talents in all fields, so promoting the reform of higher education by classification is an inevitable requirement for higher education to move from elite education to universal education。We encourage colleges and universities to display their advantages and characteristics, give full play to their advantages in personnel training, basic disciplines, interdisciplinary disciplines and emerging disciplines, and focus on talents urgently needed by the country's economy and society.在基础研究、工程技术等方面加强人才培养。同时,面向人民健康培养卓越医师,加强哲学社会科学方面人才的培养。我们将推动更好的科教结合、产教融合,协同各方力量来推进发展。We will focus on the development of new quality productive forces and build talent centers and innovation centers for national and regional development.In the areas of basic research and technological innovation, especially technology transfer and achievement transformation, we will increase the training of innovative personnel through multi-party cooperation.在人才培养中不断提高创新能力。We will increase support for young scientific and technological talents in colleges and universities, and start to provide long-term, high-intensity and stable support at the beginning of their academic careers, allowing trial and error, tolerance of failure, so that young talents dare to sit on the bench, dare to venture into no man's land, and produce important original and subversive results。In the training of talents, we adhere to one, to constantly underground hard work, stupid efforts, not to take shortcuts, not to take advantage of, willing to gnawing hard bones, adhere to the long-term training of talent goals。At the same time, we will lay out regional technological innovation centers, transform scientific and technological achievements into traction, and especially advocate "sharpening the knife on the stone, and practicing the people on the matter", and cultivate top-notch innovative talents in actual combat。

人才培养既是民生,更是国家和民族长远发展的大计。We are confident that we will unswervingly follow the path of independent training of top-notch innovative talents, let more top-notch innovative talents emerge, and provide strategic support and leading force for cultivating and developing new quality productive forces and realizing Chinese-style modernization。谢谢。


This year, China will launch a campaign to expand and improve the quality of basic education. What measures will the Ministry of Education take to implement this campaign and strive to meet the people's expectations for "learning"?”

教育部部长 怀进鹏:

谢谢这位记者朋友的提问。First of all, I would like to report a set of statistics and basic information to friends from the media. China has the largest basic education system in the world. Up to now, there are 48 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in the country.79万所,在校学生2.There are 300 million people, 16.1 million teachers, and several parents behind each child. It can be said that basic education is well run, related to the happiness of hundreds of millions of families, which is the people's livelihood, so you have directly paid attention to the important issues of education, which is very rare。

中国基础教育办得怎么样?It took us more than 20 years to achieve universal compulsory education, which took developed countries more than 100 years. We are the first among the nine developing countries with a large population to achieve universal nine-year compulsory education。Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, China's basic education has made historic achievements and undergone historic changes. The popularization of basic education has reached or exceeded the average level of middle and high income countries in OECD, among which preschool education and compulsory education have reached the average level of high income countries。去年11月,联合国教科文组织第42次大会同意在中国上海举办STEM教育研究所,STEM就是科学、技术、工程和数学,这就是我们中国人常讲的数理化农医,这是联合国教科文组织在欧美发达国家之外首次设立的一类研究所,To a large extent, it marks the recognition of China's achievements in personnel training, science, agriculture and medicine, and STEM education。

习近平总书记指出,人民对美好生活的向往,就是我们的奋斗目标。面向中国式现代化,我国基础教育正在迈入全面提高育人质量的新阶段。In order to meet the people's increasingly urgent desire to "go to school", the government work report this year proposed to implement the expansion of basic education and improve the quality of action。我理解,所谓“扩优提质”,就是要把基础教育的整体质量提得更高,把优质教育资源的“蛋糕”做得更大,让整个教育的发展成果和人才培养的能力更多、更公平地惠及适龄儿童和青少年,真正实现从“有学上”到“上好学”的根本性转变。具体怎么实现,我从五个方面向各位作个报告。


二是学位供给要扩优提质,就是进一步增加优质学位。我们将进一步持续改善中西部地区薄弱学校办学条件和提高办学能力,At the same time, the "four batches" are promoted: a new batch of high starting points, a batch of high-quality schools, a batch of group education, and a batch of urban-rural pairing assistance,通过这样的方式来促进新优质学校增长,提升薄弱学校办学质量,深入推进义务教育优质均衡发展和城乡一体化,加快缩小城乡、区域、校际办学质量的差距,努力使群众认可的“好学校”越来越多。


四是教师队伍要扩优提质。Some time ago, we launched the "educator spirit" lecture tour, Guangxi Beihai kindergarten teacher Fan Huili, she is "the most beautiful teacher in the country", when she talked about the understanding of "educator spirit", there is a sentence, called "no love, no education".。建设高质量教育体系,必须依靠有爱的温度的高水平教师队伍。We will continue to strengthen the "National training Plan", strengthen the training of primary and secondary school teachers, vigorously implement the "National Excellence Plan", strengthen the training of primary and secondary school teachers through "double first-class" universities, increase personnel training efforts, and attract more outstanding talents to join the teaching team。持续巩固提高教师政治地位、社会地位和职业地位,吸引优秀人才长期从教。We should vigorously promote the "educator spirit", guide teachers to grow into a good teacher with feelings, level and temperature, and use their own behavior to demonstrate the guide of students, so that children can feel a better growth in the school。Education power construction, the teacher team is one of the questions that must be answered, we must continue to cultivate respect for teachers and education of social culture, so that teachers concentrate on teaching, quiet education。

五是合作育人要扩优提质,就是进一步加强家校社协同。We often say that the family is the first school for children, and society is the big school and melting pot for children to grow up. Only when families, schools and society form a joint force to educate people, can children have a better growth environment。我们期望与家长一道,共同树立科学的教育观、成才观,营造良好的家庭教育氛围。We hope to cooperate with the society to provide more high-quality social education resources to children, while keeping bad information and bad behavior away from minors。We should reasonably guide students to weather the storm, see the world, develop skills in the social class, and actively face reality, so that children can grow up healthily and happily in an environment where the whole society cares for and cares for them。We need schools, families and society to jointly protect and care for our future, and jointly promote the development of higher quality basic education。谢谢。


We have noted that earlier this year, China held the World Conference on Digital Education, which was well received. Minister Huai Jinpeng delivered the keynote speech "Digital Education: Application, Sharing, Innovation", where he put forward the vision of opening the door of hope with the light of digital。请问下一步数字教育将采取哪些重点的举措?”

教育部部长 怀进鹏:

谢谢这位香港记者朋友,也感谢您对世界数字教育大会的关注。这个会议是当前世界数字教育交流的一个重要平台,也是一个合作的舞台。Digital education is a very important part of the construction of digital China, and it is also an important platform for us to open up a new track for education development, shape new advantages in education development, and provide more high-quality education。



我曾经长期从事信息科技工作,也在教育系统工作了很多年。I understand that digital education is not only a change in our technology platform and tool platform, but more importantly, it can benefit students in practice, cooperate with and support teachers in higher quality lesson preparation and teacher growth and improvement。At the same time, we hope that through such a platform, through the analysis of big data, better understanding of students' learning conditions, difficult problems encountered and feelings about learning at home and in school life, which is conducive to improving the school's education, management and governance capabilities。我们也期望它成为一个世界交流的平台。应对数字经济和数字发展,我们的学生既需要具备数字素养、科技素养,也需要国际交流合作的能力。With such efforts, we can see that the "time and space" of high-quality classrooms can be seen everywhere, and high-quality courses are always accessible across the mountains and oceans, which is becoming the reality of our education。Now children in primary and secondary schools can use this platform to listen to experts and academicians on the content of science classes and experimental classes in order to broaden their horizons。Vocational school students can complete their practical lessons in virtual classrooms at any time, and even use remote equipment to assist learning。中西部地区的孩子们足不出户就能品鉴国家博物馆的红山玉龙。The topic of "Summer Teacher Training" allows teachers from all over the world to carry out teaching and research cooperation conveniently, which makes it possible for us to provide training for different classes of students。At the same time, we have also established a university for the elderly, which sets up reading sections for the elderly to make their lives more colorful. This is also an important platform for us to vigorously promote lifelong learning and build a learning society。Just now, Minister Wang specifically talked about the employment of college students. We also provide public services through this platform. About one third of college students are employed through this platform to complete the docking with employers, including exchanges and interviews during the application process。We have built the National Smart Education Platform into a high-quality resource platform for national education and an important platform for providing public services to students and teachers。

To give you an example, I went to a school in Xihaigu, Ningxia, last October, when they were in class. I saw that the students in the school in Xihaigu were "in the same class" with a school in Beijing. A teacher was speaking in Beijing, and the teachers here were providing guidance。大家上同一堂课、学同一个内容,针对同一个问题来共同讨论回答。We promote digital education, is to promote education balance and capacity improvement, through digital change, improve the quality of education, promote education equity, with a network cable to bridge the digital divide, with a screen to link different classrooms。For China, a large country with a large population and unbalanced development, to achieve high-quality development of education, the development of digital education is not an elective course as we often say, but a compulsory course, which is not only meaningful, but also really effective。

When we discuss the national smart education platform together, we often say that to build this platform, we must have a feeling and build it“离不开才叫真本事,用得好才是硬道理”。Therefore, we take "application as king" to build this platform, which is to make students inseparable and useful, and teachers inseparable and useful. We realize that this is the biggest livelihood, and it is a better people-centered development of education。我们在进一步推动这个平台建设当中,First of all, we must strengthen educational resources, expand the high-quality supply of educational resources, so that the science and engineering, agriculture and medicine, STEM education, aesthetic education, labor education, these high-quality curriculum resources can be provided to the whole society。At the same time, we do a large application demonstration, expand the coverage of the national application, so that every school, every child can have their own personalized education platform。今年会加大选择一些应用急需、条件具备的地方来建设示范应用平台。At the same time, to the central and western regions, to increase the integration of national resources, support, guide the location, the school to build such a platform, really let the children, let the school have their own platform, have their own personalized learning style, can better teach according to their students, so that the school can improve governance capacity。

我们还要做优公共服务资源,搭建学习型系统,实现终身教育的数字平台。Speaking of which, there is also a hot topic in this year's two sessions, which is also talked about more in this period of time, artificial intelligence and education。The government work report proposed to carry out "artificial intelligence +" action, for our education system, artificial intelligence is the "golden key", it not only affects the future of education, but also affects the future of education, here there are opportunities and challenges。I believe that in order to better seize opportunities and cope with challenges, we must actively embrace the changes in technology and industry, and actively embrace the era of intelligence。In the future, we will be committed to cultivating a large number of teachers with digital literacy, strengthening the construction of our teachers, and deepening the artificial intelligence technology into the whole process of education, teaching and management, to study its effectiveness and adaptability, so that the young generation can learn more actively and teachers can teach more creatively。At the same time, we will strengthen the training of high-level talents in AI-related disciplines, enhance the ability of scientific research and innovation, and accelerate the construction of platforms。

We also need to pay more attention to the standardization of artificial intelligence ethics and privacy protection under digital education, to guide and build our platform well, and actively participate in the world's rule-making on the relationship between artificial intelligence and education and ethics。Our mission is to give everyone a better chance to adapt to the digital age, embrace the intelligent age, and enjoy the benefits brought by artificial intelligence technology。It is our important task to strengthen the intelligent development of China's intelligent education platform and promote high-level international cooperation and open exchanges。

最后,我想跟大家交流一下教育的开放性。China's education is open, and digital education is even more open. In recent years, we have been promoting a high level of opening-up in education and promoting cooperation and opening-up in digital education。At present, China's smart education platform has launched an international version, covering multiple languages, and can provide support and services to the world。At the same time, China's smart education platform also won the highest award in the field of informatization issued by UNESCO last year, which also shows the effectiveness of China's smart education platform and the important direction of future development。许多国家主动表示,希望和中国合作推进数字教育在其本国更好的发展。

下一步,我们将进一步加强数字教育领域的国际合作交流,利用联合国教科文组织在中国设立的STEM教育研究所,来推动中国与世界各国的合作,China has made efforts in multilateral platforms, bilateral exchanges, and strengthening the provision of high-quality resources for talent training to the world,作出更好的回答。To put it simply, the future smart education platform, first, is to further strengthen the development and utilization of high-quality resources, which we call integration。第二,抓住智能化发展的空间,我们叫作智能化。第三,要推进国际化。In simple terms, it is called Integrated, Intelligent and International, shortened to "3I", which is a homonym for "love education" in Chinese.。希望通过我们的努力,迎接教育变革发展,实现人才培养对中国式现代化的支撑。We hope that when this door is opened, we will continue to move forward and open up, and continue to achieve higher quality education, and give back to society, China and the world。谢谢您的提问。